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      Management Operations Consulting

      GeniSII offers specialized management consulting services through:

      Our broad approach to manufacturing process optimization analyzes your planning, execution and management processes to implement solutions that improve productivity, reduce cycle time, and ensure a more predictable on-time delivery for your customers.

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      Our broad approach to business process analyzes from your goals, strategy, processes, execution, leadership to implement solutions that improve your quality, productivity and reduce your operation costs.

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      Over 18 years of experience in designing and implementing effective strategies, best practices and mobilizing multidisciplinary teams to drive performance and deliver results in the high technology manufacturing industry.

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      Our business management services include:
      Making your vision a reality


      We are a management consulting firm that will leverage your industry expertise and technical knowledge to improve your business processes, executive strategies and organizational designs.

      GeniSII is a business operations consultant expert in achieving manufacturing excellence in USA, Canada and Mexico.


      Relocated projects into Mexico


      Productions units supported in obtaining gold certification


      Kaizen events to transform and improve clients processes



      Let us help your business grow, get in touch!

        Through our strategic management process we will support you to transform your problems into solutions,
        your weaknesses into strength. Your business issues into a success story.